Refereed Articles
- D. L. Reinholz, J. C. Corbo, M. H. Dancy, and N. Finkelstein. Departmental Action Teams: Supporting faculty learning through departmental change. (submitted)
- J. C. Corbo, J. L. DuBois, and K. B. Whaley. Squeezed and Fragmented States of Strongly Interacting Bosons in a Double Well. (submitted; preprint)
- J. C. Corbo, A. Rundquist, C. Henderson, and M. H. Dancy. Using asynchronous communication to support virtual faculty learning communities, in Physics Education Research Conference 2016 (Sacramento, CA, 2016).
PERC 2016 Notable Paper (awarded to 4 out of 98 peer-reviewed papers)
- K. Rainey, J. C. Corbo, D. L. Reinholz, and M. Betterton. Improving representation in physical sciences using a Departmental Action Team, in Physics Education Research Conference 2016 (Sacramento, CA, 2016).
- J. C. Corbo, D. L. Reinholz, M. H. Dancy, S. Deetz, and N. Finkelstein. Framework for Transforming Departmental Culture to Support Educational Innovation, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 12, 010113 (2016).
- A. Rundquist, J. C. Corbo, M.S. Martinuk, S. Chasteen, C. Henderson, and M. H. Dancy. Faculty Online Learning Communities to Support Physics Teaching, in Physics Education Research Conference 2015 (College Park, MD, 2015).
- J. C. Corbo, D. L. Reinholz, M. H. Dancy, and N. Finkelstein. Departmental Action Teams: Empowering Faculty to Make Sustainable Change, in Physics Education Research Conference 2015 (College Park, MD, 2015).
- D. L. Reinholz, J. C. Corbo, M. H. Dancy, S. Deetz, and N. Finkelstein. Towards a Model of Systemic Change in University STEM Education, in Transforming Institutions: Undergraduate STEM Education for the 21st Century, edited by G. C. Weaver, W. D. Burgess, A. L. Childress, and L. Slakey (Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, IN, 2015). (preprint)
- B. B. Back, et al. (PHOBOS Collaboration). Centrality Dependence of the Charged Particle Multiplicity Near Midrapidity in Au+Au Collisions at and 200 GeV, Phys. Rev. C. 65, 061901(R) (2002).
- B. B. Back, et al. (PHOBOS Collaboration). Energy Dependence of Particle Multiplicities in Central Au+Au Collisions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 022302 (2001).
Non-refereed Articles
- B. F. Albanna, J. C. Corbo, D. R. Dounas-Frazer, A. Little, A. M. Zaniewski. Building Classroom and Organizational Structure around Positive Cultural Values, AIP Conf. Proc. 1513, pp. 7-10 (2013). (preprint)
Other Publications
N. Finkelstein, D. L. Reinholz, J. C. Corbo, and D. J. Bernstein. Towards a Framework for Assessing and Promoting Teaching Quality at CU-Boulder. Report from the STEM Institutional Transformation Action Research (SITAR) Project, Boulder, CO (2015).
N. Roth, P. Gandhi, G. Lee, and J. C. Corbo. "The Compass Project: Charting a New Course in Physics Education," Physics Today Online, Points of View section, Jan 8, 2013.
J. C. Corbo. "On Graduate School and Teaching," guest post, Discover Magazine's Cosmic Variance Blog, Jun 12, 2008.
Conference Activity and Seminars
Invited Talks and Workshops
- "Equity in Physics Education: Organizing for Change as a Graduate Student,” AAPT Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Feb 21, 2017.
- "Overview of Education Research and Teacher Preparation at the University of Colorado,” Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo, Norway, Oct 11, 2016.
- "Institutional Change: Planning an Effort and Making a Difference," APS Four
Corners Section meeting, Tempe, AZ, Oct 16, 2015.
- "Department Action Teams: A New Model for Empowering Faculty to Make Sustainable Change," University of Maryland EER group meeting, College Park, MD, Oct 1, 2015.
- "Professionalizing Educational Practice through Measurement, Assessment, and Culture," AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative Project Site Workshop, Washington, DC, May 13, 2014.
- "Building Modeling Skills and Developing Science Identity in Physics Freshmen," Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University, Sept 16, 2013.
- "BECs & QMC: Simulating Systems of Ultracold Atomic Gases," Berkeley Compass Project Lecture Series, UC Berkeley, May 7, 2013.
- "Progress through Predicament: How Collaborating on Tough Problems Cultivates a Successful, Supportive Community," APS April Meeting, Atlanta, April 1, 2012.
- "The Compass Project: An Interactive Workshop," Physics Undergraduate Reform Network Alliance (PURNA) Workshop, UC Berkeley, May 6, 2010.
- "Compass at Berkeley: Underrepresented Student Retention," Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PTEC) Conference, Washington D.C., Feb 13, 2010.
Invited Posters
- "Building Classroom and Organizational Structure around Positive Cultural Values," Physics Education Research Conference (PERC), Philadelphia, August 2, 2012.
Contributed Talks
- "Effective Facilitation of Teams to Enact Departmental Change,” AAPT Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Feb 19, 2017.
- "Using Asynchronous Communication To Support Virtual Faculty Learning Communities," AAPT Summer Meeting, Sacramento, CA, July 18, 2016.
- "Departmental Action Teams: Empowering Faculty to Make Sustainable Change," AAPT Summer Meeting, College Park, MD, July 29, 2015.
- "Towards a Model of Systemic Change in University STEM Education," Discipline-Based Educational Research Seminar Series, CU-Boulder, November 19, 2014.
- "Fostering Positive Cultural Changes in STEM Departments: Two Models of Institutional Change," AAPT Summer Meeting, Minneapolis, July 30, 2014.
- "Building Modeling Skills and Developing Science Identity in Physics Freshmen," AAPT Summer Meeting, Portland, OR July 17, 2013.
- "Condensate Properties for Strongly Repulsive Bosons in a Double Well," APS March Meeting, Boston, March 1, 2012.
Contributed Posters
- "Using Asynchronous Communication to Support Virtual Faculty Learning Communities," Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, July 21, 2016.
- "Improving Retention in the Physical Sciences with a Departmental Action Team," Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA, July 19, 2016.
- "Departmental Action Teams: Empowering Faculty to Make Sustainable Change," AAU STEM Network Conference, St. Louis, MO, Oct 13, 2015.
- "Departmental Action Teams: Empowering Faculty to Make Sustainable Change," CU-Boulder STEM Education Symposium, Boulder, CO, Sept 21, 2015.
- "Departmental Action Teams: Empowering Faculty to Make Sustainable Change," Physics Education Research Conference, College Park, MD, July 30, 2015.
- "Faculty Online Learning Communities to Support Physics Teaching," Physics Education Research Conference, College Park, MD, July 30, 2015.
- "Two Models of Institutional Change in STEM Departments," Physics Education Research Conference, Minneapolis, July 31, 2014.
- "Systemic Efforts for Promoting Cultural Change to Improve STEM Education," AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative Conference, Washington, D.C., July 21, 2014.
- "Building Modeling Skills and Developing Science Identity in Physics Freshmen," Physics Education Research Conference, Portland, OR, July 17, 2013.