Welcome to my webpage!
I'm a Senior Research Associate at the University of Colorado Boulder. My work focuses on implementing and studying mechanisms for improving undergraduate education in STEM departments, with a particular focus on organizational/institutional change, equity and inclusion, and community.
Before coming to CU, I earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from MIT and a Ph.D. in physics from UC Berkeley. As a member of the Whaley group at Berkeley, I studied ultracold atomic gases using quantum Monte Carlo simulation techniques with the Whaley group. While at Berkeley, I also co-founded the Berkeley Compass Project, a student-run organization that combines community and better pedagogy to support underrepresented students in physics. Compass was instrumental in my transition from traditional physics research to STEM education research.
You can contact me at joel.-dontcopythis-corbo@colorado-dontcopythiseither.edu. You can also take a look at my CV.